John draper tools for data analysis
John draper tools for data analysis

john draper tools for data analysis

While it is yet to be seen if this partnership has yielded fruit, there is no doubt the ILO is a valid and valuable partner in securing development and protection for labour. These moves have included training labour inspectors and working on complaint mechanisms in cooperation with the Labour Ministry. The UN has also been playing its part, with the International Labour Organisation (ILO) advising the Thai government on measures to address human trafficking. This comprehensive system could bring to politics the kind of impartiality that Thailand realised was essential to its banking system after the 1997 crash. The CBO includes budget analysis financial analysis health, retirement and long-term analysis macro-economic analysis, and tax analysis.

john draper tools for data analysis

This is a successful, tried and tested system. The CBO, together with the Joint Tax Committee, which estimates tax revenue, enjoy relatively high public confidence ratings in the US because they are seen as impartial and effective at estimating the effects of policies. Last month, Deborah Lucas, the director of the Centre for Finance and Policy of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Sloan School of Management, suggested Thailand should set up an independent parliamentary budget office along the lines of the US Congressional Budget Office. Engagement is, in fact, what the international community expects, and the government permitting and acting on investigative reporting would be greeted positively. Investigative reporting can be welcomed and acted upon. International NGOs commenting on aspects of Thailand's economy are not attempting to bring the government down and should not be denied or condemned. It is important to recognise this and understand how the English-speaking public sphere operates, regulates, forms a system of checks and balances, and acts as a source of ideas. Thailand is part of the international community.

John draper tools for data analysis